The New Black Trend

Now everybody wants black. The color black is not anymore solely associated with death and darkness, it is the new sophisticate. Everyone is attracted to the rare black, a deviation from the colors that surround us. From vegetables, to animals, we find black beautiful. Here are a collection of rare black heirlooms and deviants. b1 Over 2700 years ago the Incans had already started building their empire in Peru. Archeologists now believe that corn and llamas were basis of the Incans surge to power. Although thousands of forms of corn exist in the Peruvian Andes some forms have a very noble and well known history. The so called Kulli or Kculli Strains of purple or black corn are ancient and have been used perhaps for thousands of years. Kulli corn is almost jet black to the eye, it is so rich in anthocyanins that when cobs and kernels are soaked in water, (like they have been since antiquity by the Peruvians), they turn the water a deep purple. This drink is famous in Peru and is called Chicha (it’s flavored with other yummy ingredients too!). b2 The flowers commonly called black roses are actually a very dark shade of red, purple, or maroon. The color of a rose may be deepened by placing a dark rose in a vase of water mixed with black ink. Other black roses may be blackened by other methods such as burning. b3 The black iris. Iris chrysographes, commonly known as the Black Iris, is a plant species that belongs to the genus Iris. It is native to S China and Myanmar (Burma), growing in meadows, streamsides, hillsides and forest margins. Other irises with black flowers include Iris nigricans (the national flower of Jordan), Iris petrana, Iris atrofusca, Iris atropurpurea, Iris susiana, and some varieties of Iris germanica. b4 Want a truly unusual flower? Look no further than Bat Flower (Tacca Chantrieri). Give it some space to spread its wings. Those dark, exotic flowers grow up to 12 inches (30 cm) across, and feature “whiskers” that reach 24 inches (60 cm) long. Native to the rainforest in Yunnan Province, China, this tropical perennial is suited to average indoor temperatures. However, it doesn’t like dry air at all, which can make it difficult to please in many homes. b5b6 Orchids are a very popular flower probably because of its exotic look. Even more unique is the black orchid, whose name Bulbophyllum. This orchid including accompanies many species in this class, which vary greatly in appearance. The name comes from Bulbophyllum both Latin and Greek. The “smell” Latin, like a light bulb and Greek “phyllon” means sheet describes its shape. This exotic plant is the largest genus of the orchid family Orchidaceae, or also as one of the largest in the plant kingdom. With about 1,805 species, the doctrine of the black orchid is no small feat. b7 Black tomatoes. The ‘Indigo Rose’ is a new, strangely-colored variety of tomato. The fruit is jet black on the outside and juicy purple-red on the inside. These colors might not sound very appealing, but black tomatoes are supposed to be very tasty, and most importantly, rich in antioxidants. Indigo Rose is a cross-breed between red and purple tomatoes, and is the latest ‘superfood’ to hit the market. b8You wish. Sorry but no true black lion in the wild or in captivity yet. The above is photoshoped. But a black lion like a black horse would have been gorgeous. For other blacks, visit makulay.

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